
最も環境に優しい建物での「バリューチェーンが気候変動から受ける影響と、その影響を軽減する可能性」についてのレクチャー Lecture "how value chain can be affected from climate change and reduce its impacts" at the most environmental friendly building

ニコスは、世界で最も環境に優しい建物であるThe Crystalで、「バリューチェーンが気候変動から受ける影響と、その影響を軽減する可能性」について話す機会を与えてくれました。私は15年前に、オックスフォードでニコスの修士論文を指導しました。ニコスが彼の学生に「研究問題を見せなさい。私はあなたに研究問題を教えるつもりはありません」と尋ねたとき、笑ってしまいました。私たちは、十年以上前に全く同じ会話をしましたよね。
ところで、The Cystalは、LEDと配線を大量に使ったハイパーハイテクな再生可能で省資源省の建物を作った、33百万ドルプロジェクトです。私の新しいオフィスはそれよりかなり安く、多くのローテクで、(少なくとも)2倍以上の建設期間がかかります!それが完了したら、最も環境に優しいヘッドクォータのオフィスになるでしょう!

Nikos gave me opportunity to talk about "how value chain can be affected from climate change and reduce its impacts" at The Crystal which is the most environmental friendly building in the world. I supervised Nikos's MSc dissertation at Oxford 15 years ago. I had a big smile when Nikos asked his students "show me your research question, I am not going to tell you your quesiton". We had the exactly the same conversation more than a decade ago ;-)
BTW, #TheCrystal is a 33-million-doller project created the hyper tech renewable and resource saving saving building with a lot of wires and LED in 18 months. My new office will be a lot cheaper and a lot low tech and will take twice as long as their construction period (at least)!! When it is done, it will be the most environmental friendly head-quoter office!


ケープタウンから、ジョハネスバーグまで3,700 KMのミッション From Cape Town to Johannesburg, A mission of 3,700 KM

ケープタウンから、ガーデンルート、ジェフリー ズ・ベイ、ダーバン、スワジランド、クルーガー国立公園を経由して、ジョハネスバーグまで3,700 KMの運転をしました。
私たちの子供たちが、このアフリカを経験をすることは良いと思ったが、この旅行をするのは私のエゴでした。17歳のとき、1)日本1周、2)オーストラリアを自転車で1周、3)アフリカを横断の3つのミッションを作りました。https://www.facebook.com/cycle93oz/ 第二のミッションを完了した後、私は大学に行くことにしましたので、私のアフリカの夢は実現しませんでした ---今までは。
だから、私はこの旅行を実現することを助けてくれたみんなに感謝します。トリシア:日程を決めてくれてありがとうございます!ルミは:長い長い走行中のナビゲーターとチャットメイトになってくれてありがとう!私たちの子供達:VWバンの時間で48%の時間きちんと振る舞ってくれて本当に感謝! Su-re.coチーム:バリでの私たちの道場の世話をしてくれてありがとう!バリやパリで再びお会いすることを楽しみにしています!
とにかく、Hakuna Matata - なんとかなりますよ!

Driving 3,700 KMs+ from Cape Town, via Garden route, Jeffery's bay, Durban, Swaziland, Kruger National Park, to Johensburg City South Africa
I thought it was good for our kids to have this African experience, but it was more as my ego to make this trip. When I was 17 years old, I made 3 missions such as 1) riding all around Japan, 2) cycling all around Australia, and 3) crossing Africa. After I completed my second mission in Australia https://www.facebook.com/cycle93oz/ I decided to go to an university. So, my African dream has not realised --- until now. 
Although I was not on my bicycle, at least, I completed about 20% of my 3rd mission. This was my hidden agenda of this trip. One day, I hope to continue this mission from Johannesburg. 
So, I would like to thank you everyone to make this trip happens.  Tricia: Thank you for arranging our logistics!  Rumi: Thank you for being a navigator and a chatting-mate while our long long driving! Kids: Really thanks for behaving super well in 48% time in VW van!  Su-re.co team: Thanks for taking care of our Dojo in Bali! I am looking forward to meet you again in Bali or Paris!
When I came out from Kruger national park, I had same feeling as I came back from a zen temple. The animal kingdom was so pure and I wished I could be there longer. This motivates me working more on environmental issues!
Anyway, Hakuna Matata - do not worry! 


スワジランドでの薪や調理ストーブの問題 Another firewood and cooking stove problem in Swaziland



We visited Mr Sebu in rural Swaziland on 20 Aug 2016, Mr Sebu’s house in Swaziland with my family. People in this region is living with firewood for cooking. Women are responsible to collect the firewood. For example, Sebus’ wife, Mrs Gamenote walkes up to 1 km to collect the firewood every fortnight. The firewood is used at an indoor kitchen. The situation is similar to what I have seen in many part of the world including West Bali. It is the complex problem of indoor house pollution, deforestation, insecure energy, etc. 

Mr Sebu is a hard worker and has many engineering skills and wanting to improve his life with engineering solutions. He is interested in the Su-re.co's biogas bag digester.  I hope to send a workable design to him later.


温室、エコ・コーヒー、バイオガスの、シンク&Doタンクの日 Another day of think-&-do-tank with greenhouse, ecological coffee and biogas.


Another think-&-do-tank day for our Su-re.co team. Today, our marketing brains, Florian and Carlo, built a green house with their own hands to dry coffee beans in Jimbrana next week. One hour after that, they made a sales pitch with Alba, Chafia, and Amira to the EC Green-Win project professors in Barcelona and Cape Town via Skype. They explained the synergy of a portable biogas bag and ecological coffee.


ポータブル・バイオガス製造機を設計する、フランス人の新しいインターンによる、su-re.coの「科学が基準」文化。Science based as a su-re.co's culture by new French intern designing a portable biogas digester.

先週の土曜日、彼らはHungry birthチームとコーヒー豆の育て、乾燥、選択する方法を学びました(ありがとう!ミスターEdo)。今日、TRANSriskプロジェクトの下、ストックホルム環境研究所のチームに、バイオガス生産の環境の利点を説明しました。
彼らは、私たちの第二の文化「科学が基準」をさらに高めました。彼らは西バリでの気候変動と貧困緩和のための対策として、コーヒー焙煎のために使用される携帯用のバイオガス製造機を設計しています。最初の週に、彼らはすでに、再生可能エネルギーに関する国連コンペに提出しました。 頑張れ!!

Su-re.co is not only think-tank, but do-tank. New engineering French interns, Chafia and Amira are learning this by thinking and doing. 
Last Saturday, they learnt how to grow, dry and select coffee beans with Hungry Bird team (thank you! Mr Edo). Today, they explained the environmental benefit of the biogas production to a SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute team under TRANSrisk project.
They brought our 2nd code of culture, "science based" even higher. They are designing a portable bio-gas digester which will be used for coffee roasting as a measure for climate change and poverty alleviation in West Bali. In the first week, they already submitted a UN competition on renewable energy. Go for it!!


「バリでの気候変動と稲作生産性の脆弱性評価を文脈的に特定する」su-re.coの最初の学術誌の出版 "Identified vulnerability contexts for a paddy production assessment with climate change in Bali, Indonesia" 1st su-re.co academic publication


I am please to announce the 1st su-re.co academic journal publication, "Identified vulnerability contexts for a paddy production assessment with climate change in Bali, Indonesia" with Widada SulistyaEdvin AldrianSheila Dewi Ayu K from Indonesia Met Office www.bmkg.go.id and SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute
We do community-based and policy-oriented actions based on solid scientific research and findings. Please let me know if you are interested in reading this article. 

Indonesia is one of the countries that is most vulnerable to climate change. As a small Indonesian island, Bali is likely to also be affected by climate change impacts, including rising sea levels, drought, and flooding, which will also impact on its paddy production. This paper shows how the focus area of vulnerability assessments in Bali has been identified, based on multiple assessments including literature reviews, statistical assessment, stakeholder and policy assessment, and interviews with farmers. A project team applied a six-step process to identify issues linked to climate change, the purpose and system of vulnerability assessment, potential risk/harm in context, and potential variables for a further assessment. The team identified paddy production as a significant issue, and the purpose and system was the Presidential Decree No.5 on paddy production. Significant concerns linked to paddy production included droughts, land use change, and potential variables for vulnerability assessment such as water level and the price of rice. This paper suggests how adaptive measures should be implemented to handle paddy production in a changing climate. The results of this paper were used by a vulnerability assessment on rice paddy and climate change [Takama, T., Setyani, P., & Aldrian, E. (2014). Climate change vulnerability to rice paddy production in Bali, Indonesia. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), Handbook of climate change adaptation (pp. 1–23). Berlin: Springer].


オールナチュラル・カラー・Tシャツは、私たちのコーヒーバイオエネルギープロジェクトに繋がります。 All natural colour T-shits will connect to our coffee-bioenergy project



My free-range kids are testing all natural colour T-shits produced by Auditya Sari AKA Su-re.co's ethical fashion promotor. She dyed the T-shirt with coffee and dragonfruit and locked the colours with salt and vinegar.

Coffee will be connected to our coffee and bioenergy project!  Let's me know if you are interested in this!


「勉強だけでなく、何かしなさい!」Su-re.coの考え "Not only study, but do something": Idea of su-re.co



私はオックスフォードの象牙の塔から博士号を取得した後、最初の任務の一つのために、写真の南アフリカ北部の村を訪問しました。第3次 IPCCの報告書の参考資料となり成功した研究プロジェクトでしたが、村の状況は悲惨でした。ハードな環境条件に対応するための水や仕事や能力がありません。その時、村の女性の一人が私にこう言いました:



私はSu-re.coを設立するとき、ミッションステートメントも戦略的な計画も持っていませんでしたが、私は心の中でこの文章を持っていました。 「勉強」も行うが、他の「何か」もします。いくつかの「何か」プロジェクトにすでに取り組んでいます。だから、Su-re.coページに注目していてください!

Dear friends, you may receive my suggested page Su-re.co (Sustainability and Resilience). We have been developing the company last 10 months. We finally decided to disseminate our activities. It is a consulting firm, but we want to go beyond that because of the phrase I have in my mind:

"Not only study, but do something".

I visited a village in the photo in Northern South Africa for one of my first missions after my PhD from Ivory tower of Oxford. It was a successful research project, which became a reference article of the third IPCC report. However, the situation in the village was devastating. There is no water, no job, and little capability to handle the hard environmental conditions. Then, one of village women said to me the sentence:

"Not only study, but do something".

I know the value of research and consulting job, but these people needed immediate "something" other than a 100-page-report.

When I set up a company Su-re.co I did have neither a mission statement nor strategic plan, but I had the sentence in my mind. I do "study", but "do something" else too. We have already working on a few "do something" projects, so please keep your eyes on the Su-re.co page wink emoticon


su-re.coチームの最初の写真と「気候変動のためのバイオエネルギーの持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する国際ワークショップ」の終了 1st su-re.co photo and closing the "sustainability and resilience of bioenergy for climate change" workshop

これが初めてのSu-re.coチームの写真です。最初の「気候変動のためのバイオエネルギーの持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する国際ワークショップ」が終了しました。要約は会社のブログへ任せます:1日目 http://goo.gl/aDZC2w 2日目 http://goo.gl/CpFuzu

会議の終了宣言をしたときに、急に感情的になってしまいました。私たちのチームは本当によくイベントを行ってくれました。 9+カ国から50以上の参加者がインドネシアでのバイオエネルギー問題を議論しました。我々は問題を想定し、第二のワークショップまでにやっておく宿題をもらいました。はい、私たちは来年の5月にさらに大きなワークショップを開催します!

This is the 1st Su-re.co team photo. We finished the 1st international workshop: "sustainability and resilience of #bioenergy for #climate change" I leave the summaries to the company blog: 1st day http://goo.gl/aDZC2w , 2nd day http://goo.gl/CpFuzu

When I did the closing, I was suddenly emotional. Our team are really well done the event. 50+ participants from 9+ countries discussed bioenergy issues in Indonesia. We had envisioned the issues and had homework to work until the 2nd workshop. Yes, we will have a bigger workshop next year in May!

The event was co-hosted by Universitas Udayana under EC GreenWin, SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute under EC TRANSrisk, ICCTF, and Su-re.co.


「気候変動のためのバイオエネルギーの持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する国際ワークショップ」International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change

来週、su-re.coは「気候変動のためのバイオエネルギーの持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する国際ワークショップ」をICCTF-BAPENAS(企画開発省)と共同開催します。このワークショップは 2つの欧州プロジェクトTRANSriskとGreen-Winのもとおこなれます。バイオエネルギーが、どの様に、国家やバリ島と東ジャワの地方レベルで、気候変動政策と貧困削減に貢献することができるか議論します。


Next week, su-re.co will co-host "International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change" with ICCTF - BAPENAS (Ministry of Planning and Development) under 2 EC project TRANSrisk and Green-Win http://green-win-project.eu.  We will discuss how #bioenergy can contribute climate change policy and poverty alleviation at a national and local levels, Bali and East Java.

Experts from Barcelona, Nairobi, Oxford, Paris, Stockholm (SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute), Tokyo will meet key national ministries, local agencies, energy producers as well as visiting West Bali where we are planning a community based energy project.

This is su-re.co's 1st public international event and I am very much excited :-)


インドネシアでの気候変動適応策の資金調達に関する私の短い推薦  My short recommendation on financing climate change adaptation in Indonesai











We had the final workshop for an Asian Development Bank (ADB)'s climate change project on Friday.  The last 1 year, I worked on a financial mapping and success factors on adaptation.

My recommendation can be applied for other climate change adaptation projects in Indonesia.

Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Adaptation Fund (AF) will be, in theory, good funds to support adaptation activities with private sector, but it will be too difficult or takes too long to process.  It needs an intermediate for companies to apply, in most cases.  If your adaptation activities are related to the bankable activities of bigger players such as ADB and UN and need significant financial supports, these funds are still your option.

Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) is a good option if you are not a government.  It is a grant fund and has relatively a simpler and faster process.  It is not open for local governments, but they can team up with universities and companies.

If you do not need a large fund, you may consider CSR or microfinance.  You neither need to check a government intention nor make a 200-page-fortunetelling proposal for this option.

My person lesson learnt are as below:

1) As ADB is a "bank", assessing financial demands and supply are a part of their business.

2) Cases, tasks, and schedules changed often and often these were arranged in the last minute. This reminded me to be flexible to work in Indonesia.  

3) I was the only foreigner in this international project.  In this case, it is much more efficient to use their local language.  I should learn more Bahasa Indonesia.

Lastly, CCROM is a good local consultant team and hope to work with them more!


インドネシア気候変動基金(ICCTF)と「インドネシアのバイオエネルギー」に関するワークショップを共同主催 co-host a workshop on "bioenergy in Indonesia" with Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)


ワークショップは2つの欧州委員会プロジェクトGreen-Win (http://green-win-project.eu)とTransRisk (http://transrisk-project.eu)の下で開催されます。今、コーディネートの詳細について学ぶために英国とウィーンに来ています。

もう少し、アップデート!su-re.co (http://www.su-re.co)は4名のフルタイムのメンバーと一人のパートタイムのコンサルタントになりました。私たちは、グランドバリサニスイーツホテルで5月11日から13日の間にこのバイオエネルギーのワークショップを開催します。この週にから、フランスから MBAの学生とルンド大学の環境の学生がインターン生として、

A bit before, I, as a CEO of su-re.co, signed an agreement to co-host a workshop on "bioenergy in Indonesia" with Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) which is a part of Ministry of Development and Planning.

The workshop will be held under under two European Commission projects Green-Win (http://green-win-project.eu) and TransRisk (http://transrisk-project.eu).  Now, I am in UK and Vienna to learn more about the coordination.

Just some more update!  su-re.co (http://www.su-re.co) now has 4 full time members with a part time consultant.  We will host the bioenergy workshop between 11 and 13 May at Grand Balisani Suites Hotel. In the week, one MBA student from France and one environmental student from Lund university will join us as interns.  I will post it more later.


2016年、あけましておめでとうございます! A happy new year 2016 


 2015年に、私はコンサルティング会社を設立して:http://www.su-re.co グリーン経済、気候変動、エネルギーに関する欧州委員会のプロジェクトのために、インドネシアバリ島のウダヤナ大学の教授になりました。ですので、ストックホルム環境研究所の研究員とアジア開発銀行、国連、JICAのための国際コンサルタント以外に、2つの帽子を追加した事になります。会社を運営する事が、旧年の最大の課題でした。 su-re.coは5人のチームとして始まりました。インスピレーションは、仕事を継続するための最も重要なスキルですが、それではマネージメントが成り立たない事を学びました。専門的な活動について再び書き始めたので、たま〜に見てください!:https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/articles/15072922


個人的な事では、スラウェシ島の浜辺に残された木造の船で、バリに家/オフィス/別荘を建設します。 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-my-office-used-boat-wood-sustainable-solution-takeshi-takama これは、サーフィン以外で、今年の最大の趣味になります。家族全員がサーファーになったので、私たちはビーチでより多くの時間を過ごすことでしょう。

高間 剛

A happy new year 2016!

 I wish it will be another fruitful year for you and your family!

 In 2015, I set up a consulting company: http://www.su-re.co and appointed as a professor at Udayana University at Bali Indonesia for European Commission projects on green economy, climate change, and energy.  So, I added another hats besides a research associate for Stockholm Environment Institute and an independent international consultant for Asian Development Bank, United Nations, and Japan International Cooperation Agency.  Running the company was the biggest challenge last year.  su-re.co has started as the team of five and I learnt that operation is not about inspiration although it is still the most important skill to continue my profession.  I started writing again on my professional activities sometimes, so please have a look! https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/articles/15072922

In 2016, I will develop more programs on bio-energy, agriculture, eco-tourism in Indonesia, but I will still work internationally.  I already know that I will travel to Japan in Jun, Cape Town in Aug and Paris in Oct.  I may go to Vienna, India, and Oxford and more.  So, I hope to catch up old and new friends there.

As my personal life, I will build a house/office/villa in Bali with used boats left on the shore of Sulawesi island.  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-my-office-used-boat-wood-sustainable-solution-takeshi-takama  This will be my biggest hobby of this year besides surfing ;-)   All my family members are now surfers, so we will spend more time on the beach!

Hope to see you sooner or later!
Best regards,