
天候インデックス保険はアフリカの貧困農家に有効か、気候変動の適応策として有効か ~A good strategy, but not a silver bullet~





I wanted comment on the Africa Risk capacity ( pooled drought insurance facility). The XXX was working on it with African Union - modelled after the Caribbean Risk Insurance Facility (CRIF). ・・・省略・・・ I was talking to the Malawi rep, she said they would probably not make it to the threshold (for the payout) every year as only parts of the country gets stricken by droughts more regularly . So rather than handing out hefty premiums every year it might be cheaper to invest the same money in other social protection schemes for the drought-affected in the chronically-affected areas...

アフリカリスクキャパシティ(干ばつ保険機構)についてのコメントしてもらえますか。 XXXは、アフリカ連合と カリブリスク保険ファシリティ(CRIF)をモデルとして取り組んでいます。・・・省略・・・私はマラウイ担当者に話して、彼女は国一部は定期的に干ばつに襲われるので、おそらく毎年の保険が支払われるしきい値に達しないと述べた。だから、毎年多額の保険料を配るよりも、慢性的に干ばつの影響の影響を受ける地域で、他の社会的保護スキームに同じお金を投資したほうが安いかもしれない...

But I suppose the ARC still has it benefits if there is a big drought but I reckon most of Africa is now suffering from chronic problems even the mildest droughts can send people over the edge, so is it worthwhile investing in an expensive venture like this?
Would love your thoughts on this.



About the comments, I assume this is about weather index-based insurance for agriculture.


This insurance have several advantages, which you might have heard during the workshop already.  If it works well, it does not need to monitor impacts in the field, will not change farmers' behaviour, etc.  For example, if a farmer has a damage-based insurance, they may get lazy when it is likely to be drought, but this will not happen with weather index-based insurance as they may still harvest sufficient yield while a payout happens if s/he puts efforts during a drought.  Because of this, this may works well in advanced countries where a model for payout is accurate enough.


In other words, if it is not possible to make a good model for the weather index-based insurance, the insurance become a mere gamble.   For example, if a model is not accurate, the model may decide not to make a payout when there is bad yield and vice verse.  I guess as the XXX hires international experts for the workshop you attend and a model they use for the payout calculation, the model development process will be decent.  But, if data to develop model is not accurate and available, even best experts cannot develop a good model.  Bad weather data is quite common in developing countries.  Even in the relatively developed countries like Indonesia, I have seen missing and inaccurate data.  I think many weather station data in Africa are available only in paper, so it will be difficult to be utilised.  Also, even if there is a good data and model, the data is not relevant to farmers signing for the index-based insurance, this will miss-estimate payout.  For example, in Northern Ethiopia where it is quite dry and mountainous, the climate may be different within 2 kms, i.e. you may get drought, but the next village may not (micro-climate).  So, even if there is a very good model and data, the program may not pay insurance as its reference station does not show a drought while there is a drought in your village.


I am not sure what is the situation for the Malawi rep, but these may be the case for her/him. As the Malawi rep recognized that index-based insurance option is not as cheap as other people think.   Equally, it should not be easy.  As making a model to calculate payout will be expensive and difficult in developing countries where there is not quality and relevant data and experts developing the model. So, the insurance model is not cure-all approach.


However, the good thing is scalability and reversibility especially with climate change, I think.  I said weather index-based insurance is not cheap, but probably cheaper than making a lot of irrigation systems.  Also, if the micro-climate is not significant, you can implement the insurance program in large area rapidly with the same model.  With XXX, they may get a good model for areas with little micro-climate with almost no cost to locals.  The payout will be calculated annually, so it is hard to say how much climate change has to be taken into their consideration, but when they modify the model, it will be effective simultaneously where the model is applied.  Also, dams and irrigation system can be a good adaptation strategy for climate change if there is some precipitation, but if the area is getting drier and drier, this can be a wrong approach for livelihood, i.e. mal-adaptation.  Dams and irrigation will have environmental impacts and will be difficult to remove.  In contrast, insurance program can be removed, so it is reversibility, when agriculture is no longer relevant to a particular area.


So, in short, the weather index-based insurance is good where "good" data and model is available.  Otherwise, it may not be necessary to be a cure-all solution for African farmers.  Also, there is a good potential in the insurance system, so I think the approach should not be demolished completely since they may still need sometime to improve a model, educate farmers, get consensus with authorities.


I did not write much on the issue farmer training or other problem like "leading to mono culture", but I am sure you can find these issues easily.  If you like to know a good successful case, you may ask HARITA project with Oxfam and XXX.  I think it is a good successful case for weather index-based insurance for poor Ethiopian farmers.  I know people in Oxfam who used to work on the project.


As the bottom-line, we should take this insurance just as a strategy for poor African farmers, but not be excited too much as a silver bullet.
