
離散選択分析/選択行動モデルの有効性 ~バイオ燃料の需要分析での選択モデルの役割~

離散選択分析/選択行動モデルと言われるDiscrete choice analysis(DCA)を使ったバイオ燃料の需要分析の論文を出版したら、元同僚からにモデルに付いて質問を受けた。

その返答を和訳してみます。DCAは 計量経済学モデルの一つで、「する」「しない」や「買う」「買わない」などのを、カテゴリ分けする意思決定を、影響を及ぼしそうな要素を使って分析します。手前味噌ですが、このレポートに簡単な説明を分析方法が記載されています。


(元同僚)My main questions for now are general:


(元同僚)1. What research questions does it answer? What are the specific questions we can answer by using this method?

(ここから私)Generally, the 2 types of research questions can be made and the design of research should be different between the 2 types.


a) "If XXX product will get a market share of YYY for ZZZ market":
a) 「XXXの製品はZZZ市場でYYYの市場シェアを取得することができるか」:

DCA can find a potential market share of a product for a specific market that does not exist yet. For example, if BMW planned a new car which increase 10% of fuel efficiency and would like to know the potential sales for young families, they may do DCA.  The DCA result will answer "increasing fuel efficiency by 10% will rise the market-share of the new BMW by YYY percents".  If they know the number of households in the market, they can multiply the estimated market share and the size of the market to calculate the potential sales.


b) "If XXX attribute is YYY times more important than other attributes in ZZZ market":


DCA can estimate the importance of one attribute over another ones, quantitatively.  For example, if BMW would like to know balance between speed and fuel efficiency for young families, they may perform DCA.  The result will tell how much a young family prefer speed over fuel efficiency regardless of a brand, price, color, etc.   This information will be useful when a new BMW car is designed for young families.

(元同僚)2. Why are these questions important to answer, when we want to understand how to transform biomass based energy economies?

(ここから私)Some biomass stoves have not have a market for a particular areas.  In this situation, you may be able to test "how much a particular stove can be accepted by the potential market and why?" or "how much a particular attribute such as smoke level is more important than another attributes?"  

The key part is "how much".  Other methodologies can answer "similar" questions if they do not need to answer "how much" in a quantitative form.  For some areas, I think policy makers and stove companies are looking for the quantitative information, "how much",  to plan a subsidy level and to design fuel efficiency.  If this is the case, DCA may be useful.

(元同僚)3. What are the main limitations of the method?

(ここから私)This is related to the previous question.  In other words, DCA may not be good or not outperform other methodologies to explore "what kind stoves a market generally use?" or "what is the potential key attributes to design a stove in a particular market?".


So, I recommend to do more exploratory research to answer these "what" questions before working on DCA.

Moreover, as for any modelling, a model is good at finding "majority" or "trend", but not "minority" or "important but small fraction".


In short, if the stage of research is exploring "what", other methodologies which is usually qualitative ones have to perform before moving to qualitative research.

Another key limitation is data collection as input data is generally do not exist for DCA and it may be more difficult to collect such a data. However, this situation should be more less same for any interesting research.


(元同僚)4. What resources are required to run the method (i.e. how much training of surveyors has been required when you have used this in the past)?

(ここから私)We spent two weeks to train surveyors in the fields.  At the same time or beforehand, we carried out stakeholder/focus group meetings.


Designing the questionnaire is 50% of the research and it is good to have a good exploratory information "what".  40% is good data collection, which is dependent of format of questionnaire and quality of surveyors.  10% or less is actually running models.

Also, I think this Nobel lecture can be a good introduction for the method and theory behind.


Best regards,
