
仕事と生活の中でトランスフォーメーション理論の応用。Application of a transformational theory in work and life.

良いワーク・ライフ・バランスは、24時間を生活と仕事でバランスするのではなく、この関係に相互有益を持つことです。そうでければ、サックです! ウィーンで昨日起こった話をしましょう。






Good work-life-balance is not about the balancing of 24 hours, but a mutual beneficial relationship between life and work.  Otherwise, it sucks! I tell you my story yesterday in Vienna.

I am supporting a strategic report on "climate change and transformation" for an organisation.  The organisation hires a consultant who can write anything, but anything very shallow.  The draft I received was not good, but the consultant was not willing to modify the draft and the officer in charge of the report was almost giving up.

Since this is a "transformation" report, I decided to apply a transformational theory to transform the situation.  The UN's report says that transformation needs leadership to foresee and communicate key stakeholders.  Also, the transformation need a space to include diversity and opportunities.

I prepared not only expert knowledges, but also my mental as a persuasive leader, which I became via many my-life-change-events.  We had 4 meetings + lunch.  I was persuading to focus on the purpose of the report and needs from potential readers.  Some confused, one refused, and another was angry and left the room.  But, we all felt that there is a hope in this loosing game after we shared a common goal.  In the evening, we were all smiling and went back to home or a hotel.

The officer appropriated my quick stop at Vienna and I am also very happy to detour to here between Stockholm and Oxford.   Now, I am really looking forward to read the report in 1 month.

Yes, I am travelling a lot, but I am still balancing well mentally ;-)

