
気候変動適応は地面か上流で働くか? Working at the grand or at the upstream with climate change adaptation

「地面で作業するのではなく、上流で問題を解決する」 ストックホルム環境研究所で、数ヶ月にメリンダ・ゲイツ女史から聞いた印象的なスピーチでした。これが、気候変動への適応なら、私の応答はYesですが、NO!で、しかし、Yes、でもあります。。昨日はアジア開発銀行のワークショップで、気候変動適応の資金調達について少しスピーチをしました。


"Not working at the ground, but working upstream to solve the problem"  It was impressive speech I heard from Ms Melind Gate a couple months ago at SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute​.  My response is yes, but NO!,.... and but yes, too, if this is for Adaptation​ to climate change.  I made a little speech about financing climate change adaptation yesterday at a workshop held by Asian Development Bank​.

Many problems are highly localised for climate change adaptation, so it will be difficult to find a silver bullet fixing everything with one single shot!  However, if I have a 50 million dollar, I may set up a nation wide micro-insurance/finance as this can be an upstreaming solution going down to the community level.  Also, this connected to my another point on financing with the private sector.  We cannot rely on CSR too much as this may be 1st budget will be cut when the new recession comes.  Adaptation is a part of our lives and businesses, so it should be integrated into their operation.  Also, profitability will make the adaptation activities more sustainable.

