



嫌になりますが、アフリカの多くの地域で同様の問題があり、もっと悪いことがあります。エチオピアのアディスアベバで数年前にこの映像を取りました。女性、女性だけが、自分よりはるかに大きい薪を担いで私たちの車を2秒ごとに通り過ぎます。 http://1drv.ms/1Kk2aof また、薪での料理は、毎年マラリアとHIV /エイズを合わせた数より多くの人々を殺します。すなわち430万人 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs292/en/


What do you think this Malawian man is doing?

I took this photo near Lilongwe, Malawi, yesterday. He is carrying firewood which is twice as much as himself with his rusty bicycle. He is taking wood from Dzalanyama forest reserve where 1 hour away from here by car. More surprisingly, you will see them every 5 or 10 seconds. Imagine how much trees are chopped everyday!

Disturbing, but you see a similar problem in many parts of Africa and can be worse. I took this movie several years ago near Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. http://1drv.ms/1Kk2aof Every 2 seconds, women and only women are passing our car with firewood which is much much bigger than themselves. Moreover, firewood cooking kills more people than malaria and HIV/AIDS together every year, i.e. 4.3 million people. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs292/en/

So, firewood cooking is not only energy issue, but also deforestation, gender, and health issues. A solder protecting Dzalanyama forest was killed recently.... It is difficult to stop this without an alternative. Clean cooking stoves will be a solution for this complex problem. I am here to help a Kenyan girl to assess the impact of cooking stoves and find its solution. Will see!

